
Welcome to Eat.Scream.Cry. I'm Celia. 

Chris (aka-Hubby) and I have been struggling to conceive since 2009. We have gone through 1 year of unsuccessful natural TTC, 1 round of IVF which resulted in a miscarriage at 9 weeks, and 1 failed frozen cycle. We then moved on to NaPro Technology consisting of laproscopic surgery for Endometriosis which removed a significant amount of scar tissue, learned the Creighton Model, and since then have had 1 more documented miscarriage. (Possibly several chemical pregnancies as well.)

Hubby was diagnosed with bilateral vericosele in 2010 with (at best) 7% normal. Since drastically changing both our diets to vegan, then vegetarian, his Asthama (since he's had since he was 7) had disappeared. With that went the steroidial inhalers. In 2012, after another analysis, has been given a rate of 99% normal. (Food is medicine.)

I have had both laproscopic and laparotomy surgeries for ovarian cysts in my early twenties. NaPro discovered I had Hypothyroidism, low immune system, high estrogen levels, immature egg release, and a handful of other things that IVF never even looked for.

NaPro Technology has been a huge blessing, giving us the chance we thought we lost. We're continuing our journey, hoping one day we'll see that double line. Until then, we are enjoying life. Taking a big step back from the world of TTC and focusing on health and happiness. This site is my outlet. It's my sanity.

Why Eat.Scream.Cry? 
Because some days, it's all I'm capable of. 

Thanks for stopping by!
Please feel free to contact me at eatscreamcry@gmail.com.

Alternatives to IVF:

Local IVF centers in MA:

Fertility Care Websites:

A friend shared this link, which I couldn't agree with more.