Wednesday, March 27, 2013

24 Weeks

Baby Size: 
10.5 to 11.8" long  
12.7-20.8 oz



We've been calling her by her nickname :) 

Baby Changes: 

  • Her see-through skin is becoming more opaque
  • And it has a pink glow, thanks to small capillaries forming

Weight Gain: 
+7lbs, total gain so far of 12 lbs. Big jump this month, didn't help that I hurt my back and haven't really been able to do any physical activity. Hoping to get back to walking 5 days a week with some light weights.


  • Still craving sweets, mostly chocolate
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit


Still none.


Yes! Now getting the bolder questions of when we're due, do we know what we're having, and have we decided on a name.

Body Changes: 

I somehow got either bronchitis or a really bad chest cold. (Getting sick during pregnancy should not be allowed.) Baby girl is apparently pressing down on my bladder, which did not help every time I coughed. (Use your imagination.) Between my back being in bad shape and getting sick, I have not worked out at all. Which I'm guessing contributed to the large weight gain this month. I have felt some muscle cramps in my stomach as it continues to stretch, and the skin is starting to get itchy. 

Worst Moment this Week: 

Getting sick. Coughing all night. Not sleeping. Labored breathing. All are a very bad combination.

Best Moment this Week: 

Picking up the baby products on Sat from our friend! Everything is in perfect shape, and we are so happy to have such great people supporting us. Also met up with some friends for a birthday dinner and movie. So great seeing everyone!

Looking Forward To: 
Feeling better, and this illness leaving. Which will hopefully allow me to be more active again.

Completed this week: 
  • Picked up the car seat, used, but looks brand new
  • Made the art work for her nursery (pictures soon)
  • Picked up the stroller, and rock n play
  • Illness, antibiotics and all
  • Panic at the number on the scale
  • Foot rub from hubby

Friday, March 22, 2013

23 Weeks

Baby Size: 
10.5 to 11.8" long  
12.7-20.8 oz



We've been calling her by her nickname :) 

Baby Changes: 

  • She's forming little nipples
  • Her face is fully formed, just needs a little extra fat to fill it up
  • She can now hear our voices and my heartbeat

Weight Gain: 
We'll find out at Monday's appointment.


  • Sweets, pretty much anything chocolate (only once a day)
  • Especially Chocolate pudding
  • Apple juice


Still none.


Had my first random person ask when I was due, so yes, I believe I'm showing.

Body Changes: 

My ankles have gone to occasionally swollen, to daily swollen. Along with some purple lining at the base. Legs are definitely swollen as well, some of my riding boots are not zipping so well. Sigh. Belly feels heavier and keeps straining my back. Noticed a little redness in my face as well. Linear Nigra is very much apparent now, and pretty sure my belly button will pop any moment.

Worst Moment this Week: 

Attempted to clean our entire place on Sat. Spent a full 5 hours organizing and cleaning with Hubby. Then I felt broken the rest of the weekend. Not so fun.

Best Moment this Week: 

Brought our nephew's to the Harlem Globetrotters game in Worcester. We had a great time, and it was quite interesting to be responsible for 2 little men for most of the day. (Looking forward to our own family events one day.)

Looking Forward To: 
Picking up some more baby items from a friend of a friend who graciously offered them to us. Car seat and base, Rock N Play, some clothes and a stroller. Love how generous people are :)

Completed this week: 
  • Spent 5 hours on Sat cleaning the house, nesting much?
  • Cleaned out her closet which now only has her things in them
  • Found some nursery art I'm going to make myself
  • Exhaustion from normal activity, cleaning 3/16/13
  • Panic at the thought she's going to be here in about 4 months
  • Sharp pain on the right side of my belly, Braxton Hicks?
  • Movements from hearing her Daddy's voice

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Some of my Favorite Questions...and My Snarky Responses

These are the things that run through my mind during these conversations: 

(Don't mind my harsh comments, I'm pregnant and hormonal and stupid shit pushes me over the edge these days. You've been warned.)

Them: How are you feeling?
Me: Okay. Really tired.
Them: You don't even know what tired is yet! Just wait!
Oh really? Babies don't sleep straight through the night as soon as they come out? No shit I'm going to be more tired. But you asked me how I was feeling, and I gave you an honest answer. No need to remind me of my impending doom.

Them: How far along are you?
Me: A little over half way.
Them: That must be a big baby!
Yes, thank you for reminding me just how large I am. As if the increased pants size I'm wearing isn't a constant reminder.

Them: Have you felt her kick yet?
Me: Oh yeah. She kicks the crap out of me if my pants are too tight around the waste.
Them: You think you're in pain now. Just wait until that kid is kicking your ribs or really kicking your bladder!
Seriously?! Obviously the kicks will increase as the baby gets bigger and stronger.

Them: How's your back feeling? Any pain?
Me: Yeah, it's been pretty much in constant pain the last few weeks.
Them: Just hope you don't get back labor. That shit is so painful!
Yeah, cause I can totally control that. I'll work on keeping this little lady away from my back.

Them: When are you due?
Me: July.
Them: What day?
Don't you think if I wanted you to know, I would have told you? Let's be honest, this girl growing inside of me is going to come out whenever she damn well pleases. So let's look at it this way: Sometime in July. Like I said the first time. You're not allowed to ask what's taking her so long, until August.

Them: Have you baby proofed your house yet?
Me: (insert laugh here)
Them: Time flies, and before you know it, you'll need to baby proof.
Great, when that time comes, we'll be sure to do that. But first we'll enjoy her in her infancy and all the pretty things we worked really hard to afford.

Them: Oh look, you're getting fat!
Me: (speechless) Yeah...she's getting....pretty big now...
Honestly, what are you supposed to say to that? (I know she honestly meant that my belly was getting big, but somehow that's what came out.)

What have been your favorite comments/questions during pregnancy?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Working During Pregnancy Should be Optional

I feel very lucky that this pregnancy has gone so smoothly. No morning sickness. Very light nausea (that was gone with acupuncture). Mild exhaustion (helped with acupuncture). The back issue was really the first "problem", but it was really out of my own stupidity and stubbornness  thinking I could still prance around Boston in anything but flats. Dumb.

I will say however working full time during pregnancy, I am not a fan of. No, I don't want to be home sitting on my ass for the next 4 months waiting for this child to appear. But I do wish however that working full time was optional while pregnant. Can we afford for me to cut my hours? Yes. Do I want to give up that extra money right now? No. It's going to help cover my maternity leave come this summer.

I do wish however that more companies offered part time in office, and part time work from home. (There's something about working in your pajamas, un-showered, in the privacy of your own home that just sounds so wonderful right now.) Which I'm sure many do. However my company is not one of them. I can pretty much work anywhere, and still have access to my work computer. Finish all projects, complete all tasks, communicate to management, everything.  But..... it's not something my boss completely agrees with.

As this pregnancy progresses, I find that my work limit is more like 4 days a week, and not 5. Monday's I end up dragging my ass out of bed late, crawling through the day, eyes half open, and mind half paying attention. I think about all the things I should have completed this weekend, and stress that tomorrow (Tuesday) marks another week of pregnancy. "It's 23 weeks already! I need to schedule (insert class here)! I need to complete (insert nursery project here)! There's only 17 weeks left! What if I'm like (so and so) and go 6 weeks early?! Then I really only have 11 weeks!" And the panic really starts to set in.

So here's my thought/confession/dream: You shouldn't have to work full time while pregnant. At the beginning you're too tired, too nauseous to think. The middle part from about 12-18 weeks, yeah you can probably handle full time. But sometime after 20 weeks, things change, they hurt, you move slower, you begin panicking and all you really want to do is hide under a rock, or the covers napping. And I'm sure by the end, during those hot summer months, I'm going to want to be floating in a pool, with a cold drink, feet up, enjoying the last few weeks of sanity.

So there's my rant. Who's with me?!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Eating Vegetarian While Pregnant

Recently, I've gotten more questions on whether or not I'm eating vegan or vegetarian through this pregnancy. Which then sparked the question for me and hubby, will we be feeding our child the same way? My quick answer is yes. But who knows how that will actually go.

For now, I thought I'd focus on what I'm eating. I've continued to eat vegetarian based, with occasional fish. I am attempting to cut down on my dairy intake. (Mostly because things stop moving through my intestines when I eat too much dairy, and my weight always seems to increase as well. And to be really honest, and kind of gross, dairy seems to give me hemroids. Yes you read that right. A lovely side effect from being pregnant, and increased blood supply, even down there. But I have found that when I eat too much dairy, especially sour cream, or anything else cream based, they get worse.)

So what am I eating every day?

On a normal day, the schedule below is pretty accurate. Obviously my main meals change daily. I find I don't like eating the same thing for dinner every day. Probably because the rest of my day is usually the same. Need some variety, ya know?

Breakfast: 8am-10am

VegaOne Protein Smoothie
This usually consists of 1/2 banana, 1/2 c berries, 1 scoop VegaOne, 1 small kale leaf, 1 c Vanilla Coconut Milk. Sooooo good!

Snack: 10-11am


Lunch: 12-1pm

Salad, Soup or this lovely dish
Mixed salad, fresh tabouleh, homemade hummus, half an avocado drizzled with olive oil, and 2 slices of grilled foccasia bread. This great little cafe in Maynard creates this dish, and it's one of my favorites! Always fresh, and so filling. Thankfully, my little lady seems to like it too, because I keep fining myself craving it.

Snack: 3pm

Larabar or a piece of fruit

Dinner: 6-8:30pm 

Time depends on when hubby gets home, or when hunger takes over.
Eggplant Salad on Quinoa

Desert: 8:30pm

I allow myself 1 sweet item a day. Lately it's been chocolate pudding. Not usually a huge fan, but can't get enough lately. Just 1 small cup, usually about 110 calories.

Plenty of healthy calories, tons of nutrition, and thankfully I've been lucky enough that no aversions have happened. I've found I'm craving fruit, veggies, chocolate and now salads. (Something I've never really been a huge fan of.) Yesterday I ended up having salad for lunch, and made another for dinner. (This is definitely my husband's kid, because the man eats salad religiously!) So glad she's getting plenty of nutrition in there. Hoping it continues this way.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

22 Weeks

Baby Size: 
up to 11.8" long  
12.7-20.8 oz, she could be a full pound now!

Girl! Finally started buying her some clothes


We've been calling her by her nickname :) 

Baby Changes: 

  • She now has more developed eyes and lips, looking more like a newborn
  • She's sleeping in cycles, about 12-14 hours a day.
  • She does not like when I wear anything tight around the waist, she punches and kicks me until I change.

Weight Gain: 
Not sure, but I'm retaining water this week. My face is puffy and legs are swollen.


  • I feel like I can't drink enough ice water. 
  • Chocolate pudding
  • Apple juice


Still none.


Oh yes, starting to get jowls, and kankles are becoming more permanent

Body Changes: 

This week was rough. Ended up hurting my back, so all physical activity has stopped. Thus making me feel uber huge, swollen, retaining water, and super tired. Butt and boobs have definitely gone up in size, in need of a little shopping soon. Bought some new pants this weekend, but still need to invest in some new bras. Oh joy. Starting to get some shortness in breath, too. 

Worst Moment this Week: 

Monday night when my back spasm'd and completely cramped up. I was out of work Tues-Fri, on bed rest. Icing, stretching and visiting the chiropractor. Finally feeling better.

Best Moment this Week: 

We did a little shopping on Sunday, once I was mobile again. Bought our little lady some cute summer outfits. And splurged on a DSLR, finally!!! (Better pictures coming soon)

Looking Forward To: 
My back not hurting anymore.....hopefully.

Completed this week: 
  • Bought her some summer clothes
  • Purchased "I found my prince, his name is Daddy" onesie
  • Purchased some new tops, spring pants, and flat shoes for me
  • Bought a DSLR, now I just need to learn how to use it!
  • Researched some books and classes
  • Feeling a kick so hard it made me jump, 3/10/13
  • Feeling her first movements above my belly button, 3/12/13
  • SEEING her move! 3/12/13
  • Night time craving/hubby run: chocolate pudding 3/11/13

Sunday, March 10, 2013

21 Weeks

Can you tell how tired I am?

Baby Size: 
10.5" long  (now measured head to toe)
12.7 oz, getting close to a pound!

Girl! And so very excited to have a daughter!


We've been calling her by her nickname :) and trying to call her by her full name too.

Baby Changes: 

  • As her digestive system preps for the outside world, she's manufacturing meconium -- the tarry black substance you'll find in her first dirty diaper (ew)!
  • She's already got a lifetime's supply of eggs in her womb -- about six million of them!
  • She has officially learned how to punch, kick and elbow me, especially when she feels cramped. Like when I lean over for too long. 
  • Starting to feel her kicks more on the outside now too. Hubby has felt her almost every day moving around.

Weight Gain: 
Not sure, but definitely feeling larger. sigh. Getting at least 2-3 gym workouts in a week, and trying to be more active on the weekends.


Still none to speak of. I've been really lucky so far. On occasion I'll crave something sweet, which I've been combating with fruit.


Still none.


Yes, feeling like I double in size every week now!

Body Changes: 

Let me begin by saying I have been super lucky. I've heard so many crazy stories, and know I should be thrilled at how smoothly things have gone thus far. However, there are a few things happening that are starting to bug me. My lower back has started to get really sore. And we have the start of kankles! Water retention has begun and my legs and ankles are totally feeling it, (to the point where my riding boots are tight to zip). I'm also still getting purple legs with white spots now and then. Headaches are happening more often as well. I did try to ween myself off the Colace every day. That didn't work. So we're back to one dose a day. Sleep has not been great this week either. She seems to wake up around 2am, 5am, and 7am. Fun. 

Worst Moment this Week: 

Walking around Boston on Saturday in wedge boots was an awful idea. My lower back was freaking out and I was totally spent by 9pm, never mind the foot cramps.

Best Moment this Week: 

Finished painting her room on Sunday. 3 hours total, not too bad for being preggers. So happy with how it's all coming together!

Looking Forward To: 
My chiro adjustment on Friday morning! Definitely in need this week.

Completed this week: 
  • Painted the nursery
  • Arranged all the furniture in the nursery
  • Purchased 2 more pairs of maternity jeans, on super sale yay!
  • 2 physical activities over the weekend: Boston & painting